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Articles Posted in Punishment


How Many DUIs are Caused by Undiagnosed Mental Health Issues?

Addiction to alcohol and other drugs obviously contributes to many arrests for DUI in Los Angeles. But could repeat DUI offenses also be an indicator that a person has a mental health disorder? The San Joaquin Superior Court’s Collaborative Courts Department will be working with Harvard Medical School to try…


Passengers At Risk with DUI Drivers: a Scary Cautionary Tale

Police officers frequently find passengers in a vehicle when they’ve pulled someone over for DUI in Los Angeles. All too often those passengers suffer critical and sometimes fatal injuries if the car hits a light pole, another car or a wall. In Spartansburg, South Carolina, Joshua Meadows was traveling between…


Victims of Underage DUI Drivers Can Sue Party Hosts

The Maryland Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state, has ruled that parents who knowingly let underage teens drink in their home are liable for damages if a teen injures someone or suffers injuries while under the influence. Although the ruling does not have a direct effect on…


DUI Drivers Can’t Avoid Arrest with These Tactics

Drivers looking to avoid charges of DUI in Los Angeles have tried many creative ways to avoid an arrest. They can make excuses, plead with the arresting officer to let them off and threaten the police department with reprisals by powerful friends. These attempts to evade DUI charges don’t work…


Texas Court: Implied Consent Valid for DUI Driver

Under California’s vehicle codes, drivers suspected of a DUI in Los Angeles must submit to breathalyzer or blood tests or face a license suspension of one year for the first offense (two years for the second offense and three years for the third) and must pay a fine of $125.…


DUI Driver Charged With Manslaughter After Accident Leads to Death of Unborn Baby

Under a pilot program that became law in 2010, those convicted of DUI in Los Angeles County must use an ignition interlock device on any vehicles they drive for at least five months after a DUI arrest. Why these draconian rules? Advocates of IID laws are pointing to a recent…


New Law Says No Tows for DUI Drivers: Is It Fair? Will It Help?

Drivers at risk for DUI in Los Angles sometimes face dilemmas. They don’t want to drive when they suspect they’ve had a few too many, but if they don’t move their cars from a bar’s parking lot, they may risk a tow truck taking it to an impoundment lot. Would…


South Carolina DUI Drivers Retain Moped Option – Should Los Angeles DUI Drivers Get Something Similar?

Drivers convicted of DUI in Los Angeles usually lose their licenses for some period of time, forcing them to seek alternative transportation. They may take the bus, get rides from friends or family members or use cabs or ride-sharing services. In South Carolina, however, DUI drivers have had another way…


Oddball Encounters with Houses Halt DUI Drivers

Some Los Angeles DUI drivers manage to evade police officers who try to stop them. Others collide with other cars but continue on their way missing a fender or a front headline. But when a DUI driver smashes into someone’s home, that encounter is usually enough to halt the progress–one…


Driver Gets 26 Years to Ponder Consequences of Fatal Crash That Occurred Just Hours After DUI Conviction

Some drivers never seem to get the message about the dangers of DUI in Los Angeles, no matter how many times they face arrest, pay fines or waste days or weeks (or longer) in jail.   A judge in Nashville, Tennessee, gave a local DUI defendant plenty of time to…

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