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Articles Posted in Punishment


Domestic Violence in the News: Most Notable Stories of 2017

By most accounts, 2017 has been a particularly turbulent year. From political upheaval at home to nuclear threats abroad; from devastating hurricanes to fires; from mass shootings to Harvey Weinstein (and dozens more exposed and felled by #metoo); it seems like one headline continues to outdo the next. Amid all…


Common Defenses Against Domestic Violence Charges and When They Apply

Domestic violence is a serious matter here in California. The laws are strict, tolerance is low to nonexistent, and the overwhelming response is such that being accused of it can dramatically alter your life, even if you’re not guilty. If you got into a mild altercation with your spouse that…


Getting Back on Track After a Domestic Violence Arrest

You hit your significant other. Now you’re facing possible jail time and a restraining order. But while those are serious consequences, the worst, for you, is that you’ve lost the love and respect of someone you really cared about. Is there any way to get that back? To restore normalcy…


A Quick Guide to the Major Los Angeles DUI Laws

Police have charged you with a DUI, and now you’ve got a lot of questions and concerns. • Exactly what do the charges against you mean? • What legal issues are you facing? • Why did the police cite you for a felony DUI rather than a misdemeanor (or vice…


False Positives And Other Outlandish DUI Arrests

Have you heard the one about the driver who was arrested for DUI because he had a caffeine high? Or about the state legislator who successfully argued that cough syrup and a breath spray caused a false positive DUI breathalyzer reading? While law enforcement officers and courts generally accept breathalyzer…


Powerful Resources to Deal with the Problem of Domestic Violence

As someone recently accused of domestic violence charges, you’re no doubt acutely aware of the challenges faced by victims. Whether you stand falsely accused of hitting a spouse or partner, or whether you took an action against someone you love that you profoundly regret, it’s important to empathize. After all,…


Dealing with Social Media After Domestic Violence Charges

Social media has become an integral part of our lives and our culture. While it has its benefits—it’s fun to stay connected to family and friends—there’s also a downside. Facts get distorted, ugly rumors spread quickly and some unfortunate person’s life can get turned inside out in a matter of…


The Reasons Behind Risky DUI Behaviors

“Come on, it’ll be okay. You haven’t had that much to drink. And anyway, I’ve seen you drive after you’ve had six or seven beers—you’ll do just fine.” Ever had a conversation like that with a friend when you’ve been out socializing for the night? Chances are that you’ll yield…


Domestic Violence Around the World 

Both California and U.S. laws offer victims of domestic violence some basic legal protections, including the ability to obtain restraining orders. These laws are not perfect, nor are they always effective, but in general they work and they have the approval of society behind them. Police will arrest domestic violence…


Will Self-Driving Vehicles Solve the DUI Problem?

For some people, the thought of autonomous vehicles opens up a range of partying possibilities. They imagine hanging out all night with friends, drinking whatever they’d like, and then getting into their own cars, which will drive them safely home. They won’t have to worry about getting pulled over for…

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