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Articles Posted in DUI in Los Angeles


DUI and the Loss of Corey La Barrie

On Saturday, May 9, rising YouTube star Corie La Barrie posted a short video announcing he would be live-streaming his 25th birthday party on Twitch the following day. “We might get a little bit drunk,” he whispered behind his hand. The video was cheekily titled, “Deleting this Video in 24…


What You Need to Know About California’s Expanded Ignition Interlock Device Program

On January 1, 2019, California became the 33rd state to expand its ignition interlock device (IID) program. Enacted by Senate Bill 1046, the new law aims to deter repeat DUI offenses by requiring repeat offenders to install IIDs in their vehicles, as well as giving first-time offenders an alternative to…


What Is the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS)?

In almost every industry and field, technology continues to disrupt old systems and open up new pathways for advancement. None more so than in the field of law enforcement, where researchers, inventors and tech geniuses are working on more advanced tools not only to enforce DUI, but also to prevent…


How Marijuana Can Impair Your Driving and Your Judgment

Recreational marijuana became legal in the state of California on January 1, 2018—but “recreational use” does not include smoking it in the car. As the Mercury News points out,  a new state law makes it officially illegal for drivers and passengers alike to smoke weed in vehicles—just one attempt to…


How Do Breathalyzers Work, and Where Is the Technology Headed?

If you’ve ever been pulled over by a cop on suspicion of DUI, chances are you have been asked to submit to a breathalyzer test. This small device presumably (magically?) somehow measures the alcohol content in your blood by analyzing your breath, and whatever it reveals may influence the officer’s…


The Science of Memory, and How It Can Affect Your Criminal Case

If you’ve been charged with any crime—whether the charge is Los Angeles DUI, domestic abuse or something else—neither the prosecutor nor your defense attorney will rely solely on physical evidence to prove your guilt or innocence. Much of the evidence presented comes in the form of verbal testimony from witnesses—people…


Rehab Programs After Your DUI: A Comprehensive Guide to the Treatment Options (with Statistics)

The police recently picked you up for DUI—maybe even for the second or third time—and you’re finally ready to admit that you have an alcohol problem. You know you need assistance, but where do you go to find it? And how do you know which program is most likely to…


DUI Training for LAPD Officers: How It Can Impact Your DUI Case

How do officers working for Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) determine whether they should stop someone for a DUI? All LAPD officers receive substantial training that helps them understand what to look for when patrolling L.A.’s freeways and surface streets for dangerous drivers—and drivers who might be under the influence.…


Will Self-Driving Vehicles Solve the DUI Problem?

For some people, the thought of autonomous vehicles opens up a range of partying possibilities. They imagine hanging out all night with friends, drinking whatever they’d like, and then getting into their own cars, which will drive them safely home. They won’t have to worry about getting pulled over for…


A Los Angeles DUI Defense Quick Start Guide

When you see a police car’s flashing lights in your rearview mirror, your first thought is probably something like “I hope they’re not after me.” But when it becomes clear that your vehicle is indeed the one that the officer is motioning over to the side of the road, you…

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