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Articles Posted in drug dui


DUI Stop Uncovers Murder Victim

Police officers are accustomed to finding illegal drugs, guns or open alcohol containers when they arrest someone for a DUI in Los Angeles. But few start out investigating a DUI-related crash and end up with a gruesome homicide case. On the evening of June 27th, officers in Anchorage, Alaska, responded…


Drug DUI for Amanda Bynes Creates Major Problems for Beleaguered Actress

Of all the celebrity Los Angeles DUI cases that we’ve covered on this blog over many years, the peculiar case of Amanda Bynes has stood out, because the actress’ encounters with the law have had less to do with willful rule breaking and more to do with mental illness. The…


Jim Irsay, Owner of Indianapolis Colts, Faces Four Felony Counts After DUI

The annals of Los Angeles DUI history are replete with stories of famous politicians, business owners, celebrities, and athletes busted for driving under the influence in sordid situations. This alone should debunk the myth that only incompetent or irresponsible people get busted for this crime. Add another iron to that…


Colorado “Rolls Out” Anti-Marijuana DUI Safety Campaign

Los Angeles DUI analysts are always keen to follow legal developments in the state of Colorado, which often stands on the “leading edge” of curious new DUI-related developments, legally and culturally. Recently, Colorado passed a statewide law that legalized recreational marijuana use. However, the CO government wants to prevent stoned…

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