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Articles Posted in Breath Test


Driver Cites Body Chemistry to Beat DUI Charge

An unusual medical condition enabled a woman in Albany, New York, to avoid conviction for driving under the influence. It makes you wonder whether people will start making appointments with their doctors as well as their lawyers after police charge them with DUI in Los Angeles. ABC 7 News in…


Colorado “Rolls Out” Anti-Marijuana DUI Safety Campaign

Los Angeles DUI analysts are always keen to follow legal developments in the state of Colorado, which often stands on the “leading edge” of curious new DUI-related developments, legally and culturally. Recently, Colorado passed a statewide law that legalized recreational marijuana use. However, the CO government wants to prevent stoned…


If Los Angeles DUI Breathalyzer Tests Are So Flawed, Then Why Do So Many Police Forces Use Them?

If you’ve read our criticisms of Los Angeles DUI breathalyzer tests, you’ve hopefully been at least slightly convinced that these screening tools are less than flawless. At the risk of being repetitious, breath test results can vary, depending on: •    How deeply you blow into the machine; •    The machine’s…


4 Potential Issues with Your Los Angeles DUI Breathalyzer Test Results

You recently tested positive for DUI in Los Angeles via a breathalyzer test. Perhaps you’re an underage driver who blew a relatively low 0.06% BAC. Your BAC level wouldn’t have been a problem, had you have been of legal drinking age. Or perhaps police stopped you at a checkpoint in…


Los Angeles DUI Analysis: Is the “Breathalyzer Equalizer” a Boon or a Bane for Road Safety?

A new product has created an incredible amount of controversy and debate within the Los Angeles DUI prevention community. It’s called the “breathalyzer equalizer.” Developed by a DUI defense attorney and a state trooper, this product uses a powder to absorb “mouth alcohol” to make breathalyzer test results more accurate.…

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