Articles Tagged with self-esteem

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pexels-liza-summer-6382704-200x300If you’ve recently been arrested for domestic violence charges in California and you’re not quite sure how it happened…you’re not alone. For many people, getting arrested or charged with a crime is a wake-up call. Maybe it was an argument that got out of hand in your mind. Perhaps this is your first domestic violence offense–or maybe it’s just the first time your partner called the cops. Maybe you’ve been here before–and you’re not sure why you keep crossing the line into physical violence. If so, here’s a question to ponder: Do you suffer from low self-esteem?

Granted, if you’ve just been arrested, your opinion of yourself is likely quite low at the moment. But think beyond this moment–how do you feel about yourself in general?

The reason we’re asking is that domestic violence doesn’t happen in a vacuum, nor is it a random occurrence. It happens because of something that lies beneath–and in many cases, it is driven by a significantly low sense of self-worth. Let’s discuss this link further and discuss possible solutions that may help.

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