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Articles Posted in Domestic violence defense


Do I Need an Attorney if I’m Charged With Domestic Violence in California?

Facing a domestic violence charge in California can be a deeply unsettling and even frightening experience. The immediate whirlwind of legal complexities and the potential for life-altering consequences might leave you overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. Even so, perhaps in your mind, this is just a misunderstanding of an…


Domestic Violence Charges: When Your Accuser Declines to Testify

When family disagreements escalate into accusations of domestic violence, it’s not uncommon for the accusing partner to have a change of heart after the fact and decide not to press charges or testify. If you’re the one accused, this may seem like good news at first–but in California, it does…


Seeking Treatment When Addiction Leads You to Commit Domestic Violence

Addiction and domestic violence are two complex issues that, unfortunately, often intersect–and more often than you might think. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that as many as 55 percent of all domestic abuse incidents occur after the perpetrator was drinking–and surveys of domestic violence victims suggest that number is…


The Link Between Low Self-Esteem and Domestic Violence: Breaking the Cycle

If you’ve recently been arrested for domestic violence charges in California and you’re not quite sure how it happened…you’re not alone. For many people, getting arrested or charged with a crime is a wake-up call. Maybe it was an argument that got out of hand in your mind. Perhaps this…


The Impact of Stress and Financial Strain on Domestic Violence

There’s no denying it: we live in very stressful times. When the pressure is on, we may respond in ways we would not otherwise. Financial stress, in particular, can be especially overwhelming in this day and age. For many individuals, especially those who may struggle with anger issues, this can…


Bystander Intervention: When Someone Reports You for Suspected Domestic Violence

It’s a devastating, humiliating scenario that happens more often than we might think. You’re engaged in a heated discussion with your significant other–possibly outside or with the windows open in your home. Things get a bit out of hand. Not long after, there’s a knock on the door. It’s the…


What Happens to Family Pets in a Domestic Violence Case?

When it comes to domestic violence, most of us think of it mainly in the context of what is happening to the victimized spouse/partner and how to keep any children safe from the threats of violence. We don’t often consider the question: what about the pets? One long-overlooked aspect of…


Age Is Just a Number: When Senior Citizens Are Accused of Domestic Violence

When thinking about domestic violence, most of us think about the elderly in the context of being possible victims (e.g., elder abuse). But what if you are an older person accused of committing domestic violence? Unfortunately, it can and does happen—and it can be even more traumatic and life-disruptive to…


How to Deal With Domestic Violence Charges as a Public Figure

Being accused of domestic violence can be highly disconcerting for anyone, but if you are a public figure, such as a professional athlete, politician, CEO, etc., being accused of domestic violence can be particularly damaging to your reputation. You will likely face negative attention from the media during the arrest…


How New Proposed California Gun Legislation Could Impact Domestic Violence Defense

In the wake of the Supreme Court and other courts recently overturning key elements of California’s restrictive gun policies—followed by a rash of mass shootings in California over the past few weeks—numerous state legislators are making gun safety a hallmark of their agenda for 2023. Many of these laws seek…

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